Benefits of Membership
SEG America is the premier organization to bring together all of the owners and fans of the Segway Human Transporter line of products. SEG America is a unified voice for the Segway enthusiasts to serve as a medium for the exchange of ideas, an encouraging force for the promotion of the Segway HT idea, and to promote activities of Segway riders and fans.
SEG America is positioning itself as the place for Segway enthusiasts and owners to go when they want to meet other like-minded people through Email and in person. We will provide tools for members of SEG America to do searches based on location and allow members to contact each other through various means. We are setting up a nationwide organization with a web of local groups serving cities, specific areas or entire states. A member can join in the activities with his local group at home or anywhere while traveling.
SEG America is an independent organization run by its members for its members. We are not affiliated, owned by, or controlled by any outside influence. Our driving force is to do what is in the best interest of our members and this organization for the advancement of the Segway HT concept, Segway HT owners, Segway HT riders and Segway HT enthusiasts.
SEG America may establish partnerships with other organizations and/or commercial interests, SEG America may have sponsors or benefactors, but SEG America will always be oriented, first and foremost, towards providing services to our members.
SEG America is structured with the main club management centered at the Executive Board with the support of an Advisory Panel. In order to cover the vast area that is the USA, SEG America has a secondary tier of organization at the level of the Local Group Organizers. There is an Executive Board position called Local Group Coordinator who will serve to support all of the local groups. The LGO’s will head up local chapters of SEG America based on a geographical area such as a state or city, or for a special purpose such as riders with disabilities.
SEG America will be self supporting through collection of dues from its members, donations from benefactors, and sale of SEG America merchandise such as hats or shirts. SEG America could at times accept assistance as part of our partnerships with friendly outside organizations which have similar goals for the benefits of Segway enthusiasts and owners.
Local Groups
Local Group Organizers will be the primary point of contact for new members, be the primary distributors of local information, and provide leadership for local club meetings and events. LGO’s will also be the local point of contact for traveling members wishing to meet other members for help or just for fun.
LGO’s will have the ability to sponsor bulk Email transmittals based on search criteria of our membership data base, such as all members within 100 miles of a specific zip code. The purposes of these Emails could be to start a new local club, to organize a group glide, or to inform locals of pending legislation issues. If this bulk Email request is approved by the national leadership, the Emails will be sent on behalf of the LGO. No Email address lists will be given out to anyone.
Local Groups will have the ability to partition the national leadership to send Emails or regular correspondence to government officials or others in an effort to educate these people or agencies in matters of local, regional or state issues – to help clarify SEG America’s position on these issues and promote the best interest of the members.
Members Meeting Members
SEG America will facilitate interaction with fellow members and the public through local group activities such as meetings, group glides, and public events. SEG America will encourage members to participate in the online chat forum community, visit the SEG America web site, communicate with other members and the Executive Board via Email, read publications such as the newsletters. SEG America will support and promote large national club events and festivals.
SEG America will offer for sale logo merchandise such as hats, T-shirts, bumper stickers, patches, and decals for members to proudly display to show their participation in and support for the Segway community.
SEG America will protect and advance the interests of Segway HT owners and riders by improving public awareness via the press; by sponsoring and supporting legislative actions that are favorable to our goals; and by helping to change legislation that bans or restricts Segway operation through the education of the parties involved and encouragement of individuals to participate in their local governmental operations.
SEG America will promote safe and enjoyable Segway HT ownership and riding by encouraging proper training, the use of proper safety equipment, courteous riding practices, and careful demonstration techniques.
Online events
SEG America will sponsor online chat sessions with Segway LLC employees, Segway community leaders, and other interesting and important people in the Segway community.
SEG America will sponsor live webinars where members can watch a session with live video and audio presenting by someone in the Segway community such as a technical demonstration of repairs or modifications to the Segway HT, riding tips for beginners, or special riding techniques.
SEG America will publish (electronically and/or on paper) a periodic newsletter to be sent to members only. The newsletter will contain articles & pictures with subjects such as technical information about the Segway HT; profiles of customized machines and their owners; reports on Local Group meetings & group glides; updates on SEG America Executive Board activities; descriptions of legislative issues & actions taken; profiles & information about vendors; and news & announcements of interest to the Segway community. Some articles will be submitted to the newsletter by members of the community and some will be written by the Newsletter Editor. An archive of older newsletters will be kept on the website.
SEG America will publish profiles and/or interviews with Segway LLC employees, Segway community leaders, and other people important to the Segway community. These will be published on the web site and/or the newsletter.
SEG America, through its working relationship with Segway LLC and third party vendors of Segway-related products, will be able to offer “first look” reviews and other up-to-the-minute information about new products to be offered for the Segway HT.
Consumer Advocate
SEG America can act as a liaison between SEG America members and Segway LLC, dealers, vendors, and the press in matters of dispute or dissatisfaction. SEG America can be an ombudsmen to help find solutions to problems with the purchase of products, service or services that are Segway HT-related.
Library and Archive
SEG America will keep an online library and archives of profiles, stories and pictures of interesting Segway HT customizations, interesting rider activities and interesting personalities in the community for the purpose of documenting the great variety of people, hardware and activities that is the Segway community. These articles can be submitted by anyone, be autobiographical in nature or written by another party. They could also be published directly on the web site and/or the newsletter.
Connect to Information
SEG America will maintain a resources section of the web site for quick access to information about dealers and vendors of Segway HT’s, Segway accessories, third-party accessories, and Segway-related services.
SEG America will maintain a Buy/Sell page on our web site for Segway HTs and Segway-related items.
SEG America will research and pursue agreements with various vendors to offer members-only discounts wherever possible.
SEG America will research and pursue options for providing group-rate or discounted insurance for the members’ Segway HTs where available.
It is important for all members to understand that SEG America values and will protect very carefully the identity and personal information of all of its members. There will a protective interface between members that will allow for easy communication but prevent spammer’s access and prevent personal information from being released. Every member will be able to select if he/she wishes to be included in any of the member searches and bulk Emails.
The same privacy protection rules will apply for sending of bulk correspondence via regular USPS mail that might be sent to members on occasion or for specific club business.